Friday, July 16, 2010

Child's Play (!988) 11 out of 100

Alison “Alicat” Wise submitted the following Feminist Slasher Project Investigation and Review

Alison’s history with the film:

Oddly, I have never seen the original Child’s Play but I have seen Child’s Play 3 (1991). The Child’s Play films have caused much controversy over the years and have been blamed for influencing some horrible real life crimes including the murder of James Bulger in Northern England back in 1993. There’s been four sequels…each one getting more comedic and absurd, including The Bride of Chucky (1998) and The Seed of Chucky (2004). Don Mancini, the creator of Child’s Play, is now going to be re-making the original film, making it darker and scarier. Brad Dourif is also on board to re-create his role as Chucky.

Play by Play:


There’s no messing around the action starts off with a gunfight and chase…pre-title sequence!

Charles Lee Ray is the evil serial killer, ‘The Lakeshore Strangler’, that’s on the run from handsome cop Det. Mike Norris, Chris Sarandon from Fright Night (1985). He tries hiding in a toy store. He’s shot and dying and falls into a display of ‘Good Guys’ dolls…he starts chanting and transfers his soul into the doll…CHUCKY! Lightning strikes and blows up the store! KAAAA-BOOOOOM! Charles Lee Ray is dead…or is he?

We’re now at Andy’s apartment, He loves the ‘Good Guys’! He’s wearing ‘Good Guys’ PJ’s and eating ‘Good Guys’ breakfast cereal and watching ‘Good Guys’ on television…you get the picture.

There’s a special announcement! YOU CAN NOW GET AN ACTUAL GOOD GUYS DOLL! OMG!

Of course Andy wants one! And it’s his birthday! Come on Mom!

Those dolls are $100, Jeez Louweez! Karen, Andy’s mom, buys one from some dodgy* guy in a back alley for $50.

*If you describe someone or something as dodgy, you disapprove of them because they seem rather dishonest and unreliable. (Google Dictionary)

She’s got to work late so ‘Aunt’ Maggie, played by Dinah Manoff of ‘Grease’ (1978) fame, baby-sits Andy and Chucky.

Man that doll is creepy!

Andy and Chucky are playing in front of the T.V. There’s a news report about one of Charles Lee Ray’s ‘associates’, Eddie…Chucky turns his head to watch it…Holy Crap!

It’s time for bed and Maggie carries Chucky and Andy off to his bedroom…but Chucky ‘wants to watch the 9 o’clock news’.

Maggie’s doing the dishes and hears the T.V. turn back on and Chucky’s sitting in front of it watching the news…she takes back into Andy’s room, tucks them in and says good night.

Maggie’s in the living room when a small figure runs by…is it Andy!?! Or is it Chucky!?! We all know the answer to that question and if you don’t…have you been living in a cave!?!

Oh No! Aunt Maggie look out!

Too late! She gets hit in the head with a hammer and falls out a window!

Karen returns home from work and finds the police, including foxy Det. Norris, in her apartment. Andy’s a suspect for like a minute.

By the way, there’s a creepy ass elevator in Karen and Andy’s building.

Andy’s telling mom Karen all these things that Chucky’s telling him. And Andy keeps saying that Chucky’s alive.

Next day, Andy ditches school with Chucky. Dude! That doll is almost as big as Andy! How can he carry him? Anyways, they head out to the ghetto to visit Eddie, Charles Lee Ray’s ‘associate’.

Chucky’s totally alive…duh. He runs into the house whilst Andy’s taking a leak in the vacant lot. Chucky turns the gas on the stove and blows out the pilot light…KAAA-BOOOM!

So the police think Andy did it cuz he was found nearby the blown up house…with Chucky, of course. They put him in a mental hospital because nobody believes Andy that Chucky talks to him.

Karen’s looking at the box Chucky came in, when the batteries fall out…WTF! If Chucky needs batteries, how is he talking without them!?! She believes Andy now! She threatens to throw Chucky in the fireplace and he attacks her.

Anyways, he gets away. She tries to convince the sexy Det. Norris, he doesn’t believe her at first but does when Chucky attacks him whilst he’s driving!

They go after Chucky before he can get to Andy…and there’s a weird scene with a voodoo priest. And Chucky kills a couple more people before the final climax. When heroic Det. Norris shoots him and Chucky dies…but not really because there are FOUR sequels.

Feminist Slasher Project Research:

Karen kicks butt! She is the one who figures the whole thing out…who Chucky really is and how to kill him. She confronts Chucky. She is never objectified. I actually objectified Chris Sarandon quite a bit, as you can see in my review, and who wouldn’t; he’s quite fit. So, I give ‘Child’s Play’ (1988) a Green Light. Even though Karen brings Chucky into her and Andy’s life, she’s the one who gets rid of him. I hope they don’t mess up the re-make and make Karen all stupid and lame!

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 10 out of 100

Susan’s History with this movie:

Let’s just say that if I was asked what 5 things I would take with me to a desert island…..My Nightmare on Elm Street box set would be setting sail with me. I am also ready at any time to “throw down” with those that mock my deformed boogeyman or Robert Englund. In conclusion, the Nightmare on Elm Street released in 2010 can SUCK IT. Also, I’ve heard that because that film was made that millions of cute puppies and kittens killed themselves and the world became a bit darker. I’m not saying that rumor is true or admitting that I made that up just now…I’m just saying to consider your actions before watching that remake.


One of the most amazing opening scenes of a horror movie. Opening credits roll as a disfigured hand is transformed into a bladed weapon.

Flash to a young blonde girl running around in a boiler room. Ohhh, random goat roaming around….never a good sign.

The girl is slashed and then we are shown that it was a dream but the young girl’s nightgown is ripped. She decides to then go back to sleep with a crucifix at her chest. I don’t know about you….but that would not have comforted me. (I think I’ve seen too many horror movies)

We then hear the most wonderful child chant of all time “1..2..Freddy’s coming for you…3..4.. better lock your door…5…6…grab your crucifix…7…8…gonna stay up late…9…10..never sleep again.” Ahhh yeah…….

Next scene is the blonde girl, who we will now call Tina, talking to her friends Nancy and Glen about her dream. Just as Nancy is about to commiserate with a similar dream, a sexy boy in a black leather jacket appears and talks dirty to Tina. Tina likes it…who wouldn’t? Sexy boy is named Rod….and he’s a bad boy. Yummy bad boy.

Let’s pause now to note that I didn’t drool over Johnny Depp portraying Glen. The reason is that he is really not very sexy in this film. He’s no Rod……Just my opinion.

So…Tina is scared to sleep alone so she invites Nancy and Glen for a sleep over. Glen does this AWESOME trick involving a boom box…..I really love this scene. Glen is such a dork. Glen hears something outside and if you know this movie well you will note that you actually can see a person moving past the window at this time. The gang goes to investigate…..and of course it’s just sexy Rod wanting a good time with his girl Tina. Ahhh yeah…..

Nancy and Glen retire to separate rooms to sleep because they are prudes. You hear Tina and Rod getting VERY happy in the next room.

Sexy Rod, in a post coital moment, confesses he is having bad dreams too. They fall asleep.

Here it comes people…..the man we’ve all been waiting for…..Freddy comes for Tina in her dream. This film is unlike many other horror movies because it does not work it’s way up to the most graphic scene….it starts the movie with it.

Great Freddy Line #1 “ This … God”

Tina is killed and dragged across the bedroom and slashed to death with sexy Rod watching in horror as he sees his girlfriend being mutilated by an unknown force.

So of course….Sexy Rod is blamed for the murder of Tina. Because he’s a “musician type”. (they totally said that)

Next scene….John Saxon’s second appearance in the Feminist Slasher Blog! I guess we should offer lifetime achievement awards out or something. He plays Nancy’s father, Lt. Thompson. He’s investigating the murder and is convinced Sexy Rod is the man to blame and shoves aside Nancy’s confession of a boogeyman chasing them in their dreams.

Nancy decides to return to school and her mother protests. I will take a moment now to commend Ronee Blakley in her role as Nancy’s mother, Marge. Never has an alcoholic mother displayed such care for her child. I’m totally not being sarcastic. As she pours Vodka into her breakfast mug she then consoles Nancy. Gotta love Marge.

On Nancy’s way to school sexy Rod is arrested and yes… do see his bare chest. Nice scene.

Through the next couple scenes Nancy is pulled into dreams with Freddy. There are some creepy times to be had….

Great Freddy Line #2 “Come to Freddy…….”

Nancy, obviously our heroine, goes to visit sexy Rod in jail. They talk about Freddy. Nancy believes him but leaves. She’s off to investigate.......

Nancy employs Glen to keep a watch on her as she falls asleep hoping to find and conquer Freddy. Glen is amazingly inept at this task. Bad dreams come for Nancy and Glen is in big trouble for falling asleep.

Sadly, Freddy comes for sexy Rod. This is a scene I like to call…..Sexy Rod dies and we all cry. Let’s all take a moment for sexy Rod. He was crude, kind of misogynistic but very hot. Rest in peace.

Funeral scene and bad acting from drunk mom Marge.

Drunk mom Marge decides to put Nancy into a dream clinic. Awesome idea since Nancy claims people are being killed in their sleep. Great parenting skills I must say. Let’s just put her closer to her fear of death! Good grief.

Ohhhh damn….Drunk Marge reveals the mystery that is Freddy Kruger. Nancy is PISSED OFF ! And ready to KICK SOME ASS!

Glen and Nancy talk about plans to take down Freddy. Nancy fuels herself with coffee and prepares for the unknown. Everything goes to hell…….

Great Freddy Line # 3 “I’m your boyfriend now, Nancy”

Glen’s only job is to stay awake….and again….he can’t pull off that task. Glen pays for his incompetence with a wonderful death by sinking bed scene. Lots of blood!

Lt Thompson arrives on the scene of Glen’s death and talks to Nancy. Nancy…being the hard core chick she is advises her dad to arrive at her house in 20 minutes to take down Freddy Kruger. Lt Thompson brushes her off and Nancy goes on her next mission alone.

So….that’s the end of my play by play. I gave a lot away with this one, but in order to give this film justice I will say that nothing I write is better then the last 30 minutes of this film.

Feminist Slasher Project Research:

The character of Nancy is one of the strongest female characters to ever appear in a horror movie to date. Even when she is frightened she is still in control. After all of her friends, including her boyfriend, are killed she forces herself into a dream to take down Freddy Kruger. Nancy is the ultimate heroine. This movie gets a BRIGHT GREEN LIGHT for the feminist slasher project.

Monday, July 12, 2010

When A Stranger Calls (1979) 9 out of 100

Alison “Alicat” Wise submitted the following Feminist Slasher Project Investigation and Review:

Alison’s History with this Film:

I’ve never seen this movie but I know that it is extremely influential and inspired ‘Scream’ (1996), amongst other films.

Play by Play:

The first 22 minutes of this movies are considered to the most frightening ever. It’s based on the urban myth ‘The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs’, which was also an inspiration for ‘Black Christmas’ (1974), which Susan has already reviewed.


It stars Carol Kane! I love her. She’s the babysitter, Jill, our heroine.

She’s looking after the Mandrakis kids while the parents go out to dinner…and maybe a movie. Mrs. Mandrakis tells Jill the kids are upstairs in bed recovering from a ‘bad cold’ and that she shouldn’t ‘try and wake them’.

Jill’s on the phone with her ‘friend’, who tells Jill, that the guy Jill likes Bobby wants to hook up her that weekend but she didn’t do it because Jill’s her ‘really good friend’…um, what a bitch! Jill than asks her friend to give Bobby the phone number of the Mandrakis house.

Duh, duh, dum…all the pieces are falling into place.

Jill doing her homework and the phone rings…nobody’s there…she hangs up.

The phones rings again…she answers it ‘Bobby?’…a man’s voice asks…’Have you checked the children?’ Jill asks ‘What?’ and then the caller hangs up.

The phone rings again…’Have you checked the children?’. Jill asks ‘Dr. Mandrakis?’…the caller hangs up.

The tension is building and Jill is looking nervous.

She hears a noise in the house!

She goes to check on it.

She looks in the kitchen. It’s just the icemaker in the fridge…whew!

The phone rings again! ‘Have you checked the children?’

Jill still thinks it Bobby playing a joke. She decides she needs a drink from Mandrakis’s bar to steady her nerves.

The phone rings again. Jill answer it…nothing.

She gets the restaurant’s number the Mandrakis’s left for her in case of emergency. They aren’t there…they left 40 minutes ago. Jill’s looking worried.

She calls the police. They say they get that sort of thing all the time but since he’s not being obscene or threatening her, there’s not much they can do. They suggest she blow a whistle into the phone next time he calls.

The phone rings again…’Why haven’t you checked the children!?!’. Jill hangs up.

She goes and checks the locks on the front door looks out the windows. She finally goes to check on the children when the phone rings again.

The phone starts ringing and ringing but she doesn’t answer it.

She calls the police again. She thinks he watching her. She’s freaking out. The police get the phone number, so if/when he calls again they can trace it.

The music is really good, quite atmospheric.

The phone rings again. ‘It’s me.’ Jill tries to keep him on the phone longer so they can trace the call.

She says that he really scared her and is that what he wanted...’No…I want your blood… all over me’! Ahhhhhhhh! (my own screaming) She hangs up the phone.

It rings right away…’LEAVE ME ALONE!’ It’s the cops…they’ve traced the call…IT’S COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE! GEY OUT NOW!

Holy shit. Jill looks like she’s gonna throw up.

As she goes to leave out the front door, a door at the top of the stairs opens, a silhouette of a man…she can’t get out, she forgot out the chain! She gets the chain off and runs out the door.

Cut to Charles Durning, Officer John Clifford, outside the house.

The police were only a block away. The kids had been murdered hours before though…by some crazy English merchant seaman, Curt Duncan…funny, he didn’t sound English on the phone.

That was just the first 22 minutes now for the rest of the movie…

7 years later…

Officer Clifford, now retired and a detective, has a meeting at some fancy mansion…its Dr. Mandrakis’s house!

He asks Clifford to find Curt Duncan, who’s escaped from a mental institution.

Clifford is a man on a mission.

He goes to the mental hospital and talks to Duncan’s doctor. She thinks he won’t murder again. Clifford doesn’t believe her.

Cut to Curt in a bar, he tries to pick up some chick named Tracey, played by Colleen Dewhurst.

(By the way, this movie has a lot of good actors in it.)

Curt Duncan still doesn’t sound English.

He won’t leave her alone and gets into a fight. Some random old couple are in the bar…why would they be drinking there?

It’s not really a horror movie anymore…it’s more like ‘Dirty Harry’.

Duncan follows Tracey home. Tracey doesn’t seem surprised and isn’t scared of him. She feels bad for getting him into a fight.

Tracey tells him to leave. He keeps asking for a coffee. But Tracey is firm and tells him to leave. She’s quite assertive and isn’t letting him take advantage, so he finally leaves when she’s say they might have coffee the next day.

Clifford is looking for Duncan all over skid row. God this is boring.

He goes to Tracey’s to ask her about Duncan. He tells her that Duncan killed the Mandrakis children with his bare hands. But somehow, he talks her into being bait to catch Duncan.

Clifford tells his old partner that he’s gonna kill Duncan if he catches him.

Tracey’s apartment and Clifford’s there waiting for Duncan to follow her home from the dive bar. He leaves because Duncan didn’t follow her, but somehow Duncan snuck into Tracey’s apartment and hid in her close. WTF!?! When did that happen?

He just wants to be ‘friends’…Tracey screams ‘NOOOOOO!’, as you would when a killer asks to be friends. Clifford comes and saves her but not before Duncan runs off.

Duncan has some crazy naked breakdown in the bathroom of a YMCA.

Clifford finds him there and runs after him…and loses him again.

Now we’re at grown-up Jill’s house…she’s married and has two kids of her own. Her husband calls to tell he taking her out. Jill needs to get a babysitter!

At the restaurant the Lockhart’s get a phone call…Jill takes it…’HAVE YOU CHECKED THE CHILDREN?’ AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They call the house and Sharon tells them everything is fine. They rush back and it is…but the police are still stacking out their house, just n case Duncan shows up.

Which he does, of course.

Feminist Slasher Project Research:

The first 22 minutes are tension packed and would have made a great short film. The rest of the movie is not really a horror movie and definitely isn’t a slasher film. Jill does take things into her own hands in the beginning and the end but she is only actually in the same room with Kurt Duncan once.

I think I have to give it a yellow light because all the women are pretty strong characters and don’t take any crap but in the end the movie was more like a ‘cop out for revenge’ movie and not a slasher film.

The Hills Have Eyes (1977) 8 out of 100

Susan's History with this Film:

This film was passed onto “The Jimi” for a reason……I couldn’t stomach watching it again.

James "the Jimi" Hattar submitted the following Feminist Slasher Project Investigation and Review:

Play by Play:

The “The Hills Have Eyes” (1977), starring a young Dee Wallace (The Howling) and the creepy lookin’ Michael Berryman, is a brutal low budget horror film from director Wes Craven (A Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream). A decent remake of the film was directed by Alexandre Aja (High Tension) in 2006. More of a fight to survive than your typical Slasher flick, Craven created a tense, vicious film about cannibalism, rape, murder, child endangerment and the killing of animals; topics that are frowned upon compared to your typical Hollywood fare. I believe though that part of this film owes more to “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” than anything. Here the story breakdown for y’all.

During a cross country trip to California, the extended Carter clan (the family includes – mother, father, two daughters, one son, a son-in-law, a baby and the two family dogs) takes a detour into the heart of the desert in the hopes of finding a silver mine that the mother and father had inherited years before. Against the advice of a curious old man that owns a run down gas station, the family heads down a deserted dirt road (the desert area is a military bombing range) searching for the silver mine, but the father (an ex-cop) drives off the road, breaking an axle on the car and stranding the family in the middle of nowhere.

While the Carters are far from civilization, they are not alone. With names like Jupiter, Pluto and Mars; a crazed, cannibalistic, mutant family (kinda looking more like dirty hillbillies than anything) are watching these trespassers from the surrounding rock falls and are planning their attack. The Carter family splits up, the father heading in one direction for help, while the son-in-law heads in the other direction, leaving the son to watch over the three women and baby. As the night grows, the cannibalistic family makes its move. The All-American Carter family’s lives are shattered in a brutal attack that ends with rape, murder and the kidnapping of the baby. Now faced with the sorrow of their losses and an escalading fear, the remaining Carter family must become like their hunters in order to survive. The film then becomes a war between the Carter family and the mutant family as the desert sun climbs to its height. The drama unfolds in an abrupt conclusion.

The performances are pretty good from the actors portraying the Carters. You feel for the Carter family and the horrors they go through. It’s the acting of the mutants though that’s over the top and cartoonish for me. Not the best film by Wes Craven (that would be “A Nightmare on Elm Street”), but it’s well made and brutal. The violence is cruel and quick but the film is not overly graphic. Craven’s film makes you think though. What would you do in a situation where your family is threatened? When we are pushed into a corner and our family is in danger, normal, non-violent people can become monsters if it means survival. A classic, early work from Wes Craven.

Feminist Slasher Project Research:

The Carter women were portrayed as scared and hysterical when it came to danger and were weak physically and emotionally as victims. The women of the mutant family were obedient and scared of the men of their household. The men of both families were the leaders and the women were followers. The men turned out to do most of the fighting, but with the help of the women. The Carter women did their best to defend themselves, especially while trying to stop the mutants from kidnapping the baby. One of the mutant girls even has a conscience and decides to assist the Carters later in the story. Though trying to survive, the women in this film were not as independent or as strong as some may like. I liked this movie, but I will have to give “The Hills Have Eyes” a red light for the Feminist Slasher Project.

Friday, July 9, 2010

High Tension "Haute Tension and Switchblade Romance" (2003) 7 of 100

Susan's History with this movie: 
High Tension is one of those films that you watch and then after it watch it again just to see where you missed the plot twist. I love this movie. It's disturbing and inventive and the reason horror movies are still being made. 

James "The Jimi" Hattar submitted the following investigation for The Feminist Slasher Project.

Play by Play:

“High Tension” (aka Haute Tension and Switchblade Romance) is a French Slasher flick directed by Alexandre Aja (Mirrors and The Hills Have Eyes remake).  The film has a style that is very much in the vein of the 70’s Italian horror films from Argento or Fulci.  “High Tension” is a gritty, unnerving horror film that features a twist midway in the story that tends to divide fans.  Here are the basics without giving much away.

Students Marie (Cécile de France) and Alex (Maïwenn) have no idea of the horrors that await them when they head off to visit Alex’s family, who live in a remote country home to study for their upcoming exams.  A creepy, psychopathic stranger (Philippe Nahon) attacks the whole family while Marie hides, tying up Alex and taking her away in his dirty old van.  Now it's up to Marie to go after the psychopath and save her friend -- but first, she must figure out what's really going on.

The movie moves at a brisk pace and it’s a game of cat and mouse between Marie and the killer.  Nahon’s portrayal of the killer has a personality that will genuinely frighten you.  The twisted killer just oozes of creepy perversion.  The twist tends to lose some viewers.  Not giving the twist away, you have to keep in mind that the first half of the film is being told from the main character's point of view when she asks the police interviewer if the camera is on.  When the twist actually happens, what we witness from then on is the actual truth.  The bottom line: you're either going to love the twist, or you're going to hate it.  I'll leave that up to you to decide.

Though not the best horror film, there's plenty to like here with non-stop bloody kills, good acting, an excellent score and some truly suspenseful moments.   The story relies more on tension building and a psychological fear based thrill.  Director Aja does an amazing job of creating atmosphere so tense that audiences sit with their hands clenched to their chairs through most of the movie.  “High Tension” has a classic horror feel with creative blood and gore effects by F/X genius Giannetto De Rossi (Zombie).  If you rent this film, do yourself a favor and watch the original French language version with subtitles, instead of the dubbed English version, it’s much better.  The Jimi highly recommends this flick.

 Feminist Slasher Project Research:

The portrayal of Marie and Alex in the film was that of attractive and intelligent college girls, with a lesbian undertone from one of the characters.  When the killer shows up, Alex turns into the damsel in distress while Marie becomes the heroine trying to save her friend and fend off the killer.  Alex later learns to fight back against the villain.  Now because of the twist, most will change their minds about this conclusion and say that the female characters are subjected to being violently and psychologically tortured throughout. 

The lesbian undertone from one of the characters may also cause most to change their minds that women who are gay are all manly looking and are perceived as crazed pychos.  Regardless, this story is still about and driven by strong women trying to survive mentally and physically by any means, without the aid of a male.  Though I really like this movie I will have to give “High Tension” a red light for the Feminist Slasher Project.   

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Last House on the Left (1972) 6 of 100

Susan's History with this movie:  I have an extensive history with this movie. I feel it is one of Wes Craven's best films. He took a story previously told and made it his own. It's not a film I enjoy watching but one I respect. 

Play by Play:

The Last House on the Left was the breakthrough film for horror movie legend Wes Craven. This film is based on the 1960 Ingmar Bergman film “the Virgin Spring”.

The story begins with a young girl named Mari who sets out on an night out on the town. She is portrayed as an innocent girl, the daughter of a physician and the golden girl of her town.

The story then flashes to four convicts, three males and a women. The youngest male entices Mary and her friend up to his apartment for what it seems is a fairly innocent marijuana exchange.  As the two girls enter the door is locked behind them and they struggle to leave the apartment . The next scene does not show any physical violence but leaves the audience with the knowledge that Mari’s friend is being raped by the two older men and the woman in the apartment. The next scene shows the two girls being thrown into the trunk of the convicts car. The music during this scene is very disturbing…’s an upbeat tempo which could be found in any romantic comedy of this time.

The convict’s car then breaks down and the two women are pulled into the woods right across from where Mari’s family lives. The next 30 minutes of this film are the most vile and misogynistic scenes I’ve ever witnessed in any movie. The two women are not only raped and violated by two of the older male convicts but also by the woman convict.

This film continues into a violent and bloody story of vigilantism on the part of Mari’s parents.

The Last House on the Left is not a typical slasher movie. The last 30 minutes of the film show Wes Craven’s imagination for the gruesome but the reality of the beginning of the film keeps you in a state of shock until the end. Mr. Craven tries to lighten the mood but all his attempts, in my opinion, are overshadowed by the horrific story told earlier.

Feminist Slasher Review:

While I think this is one of Wes Craven’s greatest films, it’s also one of the most disturbing movies I’ve ever seen. While Mari shows great strength through this film she cannot be considered a heroine. The other strong female character is Mari’s mother Estelle who feels so much pain for her daughter that she assists in the torture of those that are responsible for Mari’s fate.

This film does not exploit or objectify women in any way, if anything it makes people more aware of the horrors of life for our gender. That being said, I cannot give this a green light for this project. The reasons behind this are because of the blind hatred and understandable vengeance of the “heroes”. Unfortunately, that’s not a strength, it’s an impulse. This may be met with some objection, but I give this film a Red Light for the Feminist Slasher Project. 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

StageFright (1987) 5 of 100

This film was investigated by Feminist Slasher Project Correspondent James "The Jimi" Hattar. I  involved The Jimi in this process because he gives some testosterone to this process. He is a horror movie addict and has the rare ability to criticize even the best of films. He's a man looking for perfection. The Jimi is an asset and I'm sure he will be a fan favorite. Below is his review....enjoy!

 Susan's History with this movie: I have not seen this movie and after the blazing review by "The Jimi"......... I'm kind of intrigued

 Play by Play:

“Stagefright” (aka Deliria, Aquarius and Bloody Bird) directed by Michele Soavi (Cemetery Man) is a late 80’s Italian slasher flick (overdubbed in English) in the style of Dario Argento and Lamberto Bava.  The story is your run of the mill psycho on the loose slasher, only this time it’s set almost entirely inside of a theater, where a troupe of actors and stage hands are rehearsing an off Broadway style musical called “The Night Owl”.  Now without giving much away, here’s what this movie is about.

  The production, a cheesy avant-garde musical about an oversized owl-headed serial killer, is lead by the arrogant and abusive director, Peter (David Brandon).  He treats his cast and crew like dirt, threatening to fire them at the drop of a hat.  Especially under the gun is Alicia (Barbara Cupisti), a dancer who's late with the rent and desperately needs the job.  Concealing an ankle injury, Alicia and wardrobe mistress Betty sneak out of the theater during a break to seek medical attention.  As luck would have it the first hospital they chance upon is a clinic for the mentally disturbed.  They're almost thrown out but a kindly doctor intervenes, treating Alicia’s ankle.  While there Alicia and Betty witness a man tightly bound to a stretcher.  The doctor casually informs them that the new patient is none other than Irving Wallace (Clain Parker), a former actor who went nuts and butchered 16 people in a sensational killing spree.  Wallace is not incarcerated there for long, though.

The maniac murders an orderly and escapes.  Back at the theater, Alicia is in deep dookie with Peter.  The insensitive director fires her on the spot for missing a stage call.  On her way out Alicia discovers a corpse in the parking lot.  The police are called and begin a search of the surrounding area.   Instead of shutting down the rehearsal, Peter is inspired by the potential publicity a real-life murder will bring to the play.  Peter bribes and persuades the performers into continuing the rehearsal into the night.  He even offers to reinstate Alicia, who wants no part of it.  When she tries to leave, she discovers all the theater exits are locked.  Wallace is hiding inside the theater, of course, and has the others trapped.  

The remainder of the film adheres to the tried and true Slasher formula of Stalk and Slay, with the maniac, ominously dressed as the owl-headed killer from the play, knocking off his victims in interesting and grislier fashion.  The killer uses a variety of implements as weapons throughout the film to kill his victims.  Implements that you’ll find very hard to believe, that anyone would be able to come across these things…in a theater of all places.  Also true to the formula, only one character will be left alive to face the murderer.  Can you guess who?  Then there’s the weak climax that leads to exactly the kind of stupid, nonsensical ending that left me cold to this flick.
                Soavi’s directing style saves the film with his eye for strikingly stylish compositions and ability to fashion fascinating set pieces.  The scene in which a costumed Wallace murders one of the dancers on stage in the middle of rehearsal (the others think it's part of the scene being played) is original.  Be prepared for the blood and guts, in typically Italian fashion, Soavi isn't afraid to let the red stuff flow freely.   

“Stagefright” is a slow paced movie that contains some decent kills.  It has style, but the plot, the stereo typical characters and overdubbed dialogue are completely ridiculous.  There is no tension and it's not scary at all, especially when the killer coming to get you has an over sized owl mask on.  Can you tell I didn’t care for this movie very much?


Feminist Slasher Project Research:

The portrayal of the female theater characters in “Stagefright” were your typical one-sided characterizations of women in Slasher flicks.  These sexy women are frightened, feeble, scream every few minutes and make dim-witted choices throughout the film (but then again, some of the men do the same).  The only exception is Alicia, who seems to be the only intelligent one in the whole theater and is the constant source of reason to the rest of the cheesy, one-sided characters.  In order to survive, a scared Alicia becomes a reluctant heroine in the film.  So, as a man and a lover of women, I give “Stagefright” a green light for the Feminist Slasher Project.